Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Things I Love

I overslept and missed both opportunities to attend WW on Saturday, which is why there's no weigh-in post.  I haven't done very well for the last week or so, but I'll get back on track.

I think a secondary purpose of this blog will be to bitch incoherently about stuff that I can't talk about other places.  The sheeplike religiosity of many of my current acquaintances, as well as many of the people in my lovely little state (and it really is; too bad there's so much poverty, ignorance, and flat-out craziness), for example.  Grad school hasn't begun kicking my ass yet, so here's some more grumbles while I have the time and mental stamina to write them down.

Things I Love Find Somewhat Irritating:

1.  People who give flippant or irrelevant responses to serious questions or statements.  My roommate does this.  She also:

2.  Leaves lights on when she's not using them.
3.  Leaves the sink full of dishes for hours, if not days.  I'm not talking about a plate or two and some silverware (I do that sometimes, but I try not to make it a habit, and I at least rinse stuff off if I know it's going to be sitting for a while).  I'm talking about baking sheets, breadmaker-innards, pots, bowls with ingredients of various types crusted inside them, etc.  She also leaves food sitting out for hours (if not days).  This would be nothing more than a minor annoyance, except that it attracts roaches.  YUCK.
4.  Rarely feels compelled to check the mail.  This, along with taking out the trash, seems to have become primarly a duty for AF to perform.  I don't know why.  It's not like the mailboxes are located right inside the primary entrance to the apartment building, or something ridiculously convenient like that.

Huh.  That was shorter than I thought it'd be.

Well, I feel better.  That's all for now.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Not for Facebook

One of my favorite timewasters is I Can Has Cheezburger and its sister sites.  I'm particularly fond of GraphJam.  And there are a reasonable number of graphs that I like.  Unfortunately, I can't post some of my favorites from this site on Facebook (a real tragedy, that).  Some of them it would just be weird to post, but several others would offend the delicate sensibilities of my many mindlessly conservative*, fundamentalist Christian** acquaintances. 

This is one of those:

Funny Graphs - Bonus Post: The Most Elusive Of Them All
see more Funny Graphs

*  I enjoy meeting and talking to well-informed, thoughtful conservatives with grounded, well-reasoned political and social philosophies.  That doesn't happen very often.  Most of the people I know who hold what they call conservative beliefs just accept at face value what their parents, preachers, or Fox News pundits of choice tell them they ought to believe, no matter how obviously nonsensical, undemocratic, anti-Constitutional, provably false, or potentially hurtful those beliefs (or their applications) might be to individuals or to society as a whole.

**  I think Christianity (along with every other religion) is pretty silly, but a lot of the Christians in my neck of the woods (especially evangelical Protestants) are possessed of an especially irritating combination of willful ignorance, religious arrogance, and hypocrisy.  I realize that there are other many places that suffer from excessive religiosity to a much greater degree than my little state, but quite a lot of the U.S. seems to do well without having to deal with this crap.  My short stint in what may be one of the most politically, religiously, and socially moderate and tolerant states in the Union was certainly a delight after dealing with the all the religious and political insanity of my home grounds.  Fortunately, despite the best efforts of some people, my state is much closer to being democracy rather than a theocracy.  No doubt they'd be better at being theocrats than they are at this whole democracy thing, but there are still enough gadflys with a working knowledge of the U.S. Constitution around to keep them from reaching their potential in that respect.

 People of this persuasion rarely seem to have respect for anyone else's beliefs.  In fact, it seems to me that almost any time groups of them attain power in a given situation, they end up engaging in religious bullying, by both marginalizing people whose beliefs differ from theirs, and by encouraging a particular religious culture in places where it's not necessary (and sometimes actually illegal) for conducting whatever business is at hand.  Matthew 6:6, babes.

Most of them also seem disinclined to apply basic logic to any of their beliefs, be they religious, poltical, or social.  As a result of this, in addition to doing their part to hold themselves and the state back, they also do things which seem, to me, to make something of a mockery of their religion.  For example, my high school marching band, composed predominantly of Protestants (with a large contingent of Baptists), was in the habit of using the Lord's Prayer as a pep chant before half-time performances.  Even the Jews participated in this - whether because they felt pressured to, or because most of them were irreligious smartasses who didn't care one way or the other, I couldn't say.  I always thought it was ridiculous, and stood on the fringe of the group with my mouth shut, but come on - you really think those are the words of Jesus of Nazareth, given to his disciples, and you think it's appropriate and respectful to use them as a pep chant for a silly high school activity?  Like I said, I always thought it was ridiculous, but I wouldn't have dared say anything.  They'd all have been sooo offended that I challenged their religious practices (which, incidentally, totally belonged on a public school football field.  We're all about inclusion down here).  I'd have been even less popular than I already was, and may well have lost some of my kinda-sorta-friends.  That's basically why I don't post this sort of stuff on Facebook.  I can't afford to burn my bridges.

This is not to say they're not nice enough on their own terms, or that they have no virtues, but you can't expect too much*** from them on a day-to-day basis.

And don't get me wrong, I've met Christians who don't have their heads so far up their asses they can watch their food digest, and I usually like them.  I still think their beliefs are silly, but their ability to think logically, independently, and deeply helps me find respect for them.  And if they can manage to at least tolerate people whose beliefs differ from theirs, all the better.

***Like valuing education, critical reading, or critical thinking.  Or dealing with difficult issues instead of retreating to unprovable (and therefore, they presume, unassailable) positions or some heavily romanticized past (we were a proud part of the CSA, but that's a topic for another time), or simply shutting down.  Or respecting and helping outsiders known to be different from them, except under duress.  Or not giving buckers-of-trends a hard time for not going along with their personal beliefs about how people should live their lives.  Just to name a few things.

I think the above-mentioned commonly held qualities are significant parts (although, to be fair, probably not the most significant parts) of why my state is usually at the back of the pack when it comes to indicators of quality of life.  But I digress.  Isn't that a funny Venn diagram?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Weigh-in: Week 4

Down another 1.6 lbs.  That's more than I thought I'd lose this week.  I made a few poor food choices, and was really stressed out for most of the week, but managed to stay on-plan for the most part.  I need to do a better job of tracking my Points this week.  I just started my first "real" semester of grad school, so that should be something interested to add to the mix.  I hope I can keep my head above water.

Total pounds lost:  11.8

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Weigh-in: Week 3

I lost another 1.6 lbs. this week.  Not quite what I was hoping for, but still pretty respectable.  I'm now 1/4 of the way to where I want to be by the end of the year.  The going will probably be a lot slower, but I'm going to do my best to stay on track.  Hopefully in a week or two I'll be able to drop another Point from my daily allotment.

Total pounds lost:  10.2

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I knew it!

The apartment was kind of nasty when I moved in.  The floors were dirty, there was some pretty colorful growth in the tub (along with at least half an inch of water caused by a large amount of hair that was blocking the drain), the countertops were dirty, etc.  My first couple days were spent getting the place in order.  My roommate had described herself as a "clean" person in our correspondence, so this was not what I had been expecting.  I thought that perhaps the person whose room I was taking was responsible for the mess, but it would have been quite difficult to achieve in the short period of time between my roommate's departure and my arrival.

Anyway.  One of the first things my roommate said to me after I got back from work, was, "I've never seen the apartment this clean."  I was tempted to reply, "Yeah, well, it wasn't that hard," but managed to bite back everything after "yeah, well."  But really -  how hard is it to wipe down the countertops and table when they're dirty, and sweep and vacuum the place once a week?  Break out the mop occasionally?  Spray the shower with those little bubbly guys?  Hmmm?  I am not a tidy person, but even I can manage that.  She's probably a very nice person, and we'll probably have a lot in common, but I knew she wasn't clean!

On a related note, my roommate seems not to have cleaned her (large amount of) old food out of the fridge/freezer, and has simply dumped a ridiculous amount of new stuff in there with no regard for what she already has, or the fact that I need some space to store my food, too.  I may have to promote a fridge clean-out soon, just so I can have room for my relatively few and generally compact foodstuffs, without having to dig through all her junk (Really, 36 eggs?  In addition to the dozen that have been in there since May (at least)?  She'd better be baking up a freaking storm.).

She also brought a bunch of stuff to add to the silly amount of stuff she already has here (clothing, hats, books, board games, etc.).  Keep in mind, this person will (presumably) be moving out of this apartment after she completes her degree in a year or so.  The place she is from is not close to here.  Not even in the same region.  Although even if she got a job in town and took a nicer apartment up the street, it'd still take several trips to move all that stuff.  I don't really care, except that I'm afraid the trend will be for her stuff make its home in the common areas, which I don't think will be conducive to my enjoyment of this space.  The situation will be monitored.

None of this is a big deal in the greater scheme of things, but it amuses me, and it keeps my life from being too dull, without making it too exciting. 

In other news, I still have 4 points left for today - 6 if I eat my activity points.  I think I might have some popcorn.  Or maybe a popsicle, if I can locate it under my roomie's multiple bags of frozen chicken.

Monday, August 9, 2010

We Meet at Last

My roommate is supposed to arrive here tomorrow.  We'll be meeting for the first time; she left to spend the summer doing academic things in Europe a week or two before I moved into our apartment.  We're Facebook friends, and I suppose being around somebody's ridiculous amount of junk stuff can give you an idea of who they are, but I'll be interested to meet her in person.  Especially since she left the fridge full of her food before she hopped the pond for three months.  Who the heck does that?  There were moldy hotdogs sitting in there when I moved in. 

Anyway.  That's something to look forward to.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Weigh-in: Week 2

I lost 8.6 lbs. this week!  That's not quite as much as I had hoped for, but I still think it's great, especially considering how much I deviated from the plan.

I got my first 5 lb. sticker to go on my bookmark.  Hopefully I'll be able to add another 5 lb. sticker to it next week.

I cooked a couple of WW entrees I haven't tried before last night, and I've stocked up on fruits and veggies, so I should be pretty well set for food for the week.

Total pounds lost:  8.6

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuesday Check-In

It's still the first week, but I think I've done okay so far.  I haven't been great about adhering to the plan (in fact I did really badly yesterday), but today I got back on track.  I have been watching my Points and trying to hit most of the Daily Guidelines.  According to my scale I've lost almost 10 lbs.  I'm going to keep trying to stick with the plan (since I know it works when I do it), and see what sort of results I have on Saturday.