Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I knew it!

The apartment was kind of nasty when I moved in.  The floors were dirty, there was some pretty colorful growth in the tub (along with at least half an inch of water caused by a large amount of hair that was blocking the drain), the countertops were dirty, etc.  My first couple days were spent getting the place in order.  My roommate had described herself as a "clean" person in our correspondence, so this was not what I had been expecting.  I thought that perhaps the person whose room I was taking was responsible for the mess, but it would have been quite difficult to achieve in the short period of time between my roommate's departure and my arrival.

Anyway.  One of the first things my roommate said to me after I got back from work, was, "I've never seen the apartment this clean."  I was tempted to reply, "Yeah, well, it wasn't that hard," but managed to bite back everything after "yeah, well."  But really -  how hard is it to wipe down the countertops and table when they're dirty, and sweep and vacuum the place once a week?  Break out the mop occasionally?  Spray the shower with those little bubbly guys?  Hmmm?  I am not a tidy person, but even I can manage that.  She's probably a very nice person, and we'll probably have a lot in common, but I knew she wasn't clean!

On a related note, my roommate seems not to have cleaned her (large amount of) old food out of the fridge/freezer, and has simply dumped a ridiculous amount of new stuff in there with no regard for what she already has, or the fact that I need some space to store my food, too.  I may have to promote a fridge clean-out soon, just so I can have room for my relatively few and generally compact foodstuffs, without having to dig through all her junk (Really, 36 eggs?  In addition to the dozen that have been in there since May (at least)?  She'd better be baking up a freaking storm.).

She also brought a bunch of stuff to add to the silly amount of stuff she already has here (clothing, hats, books, board games, etc.).  Keep in mind, this person will (presumably) be moving out of this apartment after she completes her degree in a year or so.  The place she is from is not close to here.  Not even in the same region.  Although even if she got a job in town and took a nicer apartment up the street, it'd still take several trips to move all that stuff.  I don't really care, except that I'm afraid the trend will be for her stuff make its home in the common areas, which I don't think will be conducive to my enjoyment of this space.  The situation will be monitored.

None of this is a big deal in the greater scheme of things, but it amuses me, and it keeps my life from being too dull, without making it too exciting. 

In other news, I still have 4 points left for today - 6 if I eat my activity points.  I think I might have some popcorn.  Or maybe a popsicle, if I can locate it under my roomie's multiple bags of frozen chicken.

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